Saturday, September 15, 2018

Smart Money Smart Kids - Raising the Next Generation to Win with Money

In Smart Money Smart Kids, Financial expert and best-selling author Dave Ramsey and his daughter Rachel Cruze equip parents to teach their children how to win with money. Starting with the basics like working, spending, saving, and giving, and moving into more challenging issues like avoiding debt for life, paying cash for college, and battling discontentment, Dave and Rachel present a no-nonsense, common-sense approach for changing your family tree.

Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Ramsey Press; 1st edition (April 22, 2014)
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 6.2 x 1 x 9.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds

"The writing style is just like sitting in the den talking with Dave and Rachel live. I love his radio show and this book did not disappoint. Get tips and a good guideline for NOT adding to the entitlement attitude so prevalent with our kids these days. My boys are used to hearing my go into my "Dave Ramsey" mode. I bought the Florida Prepaid College fund when they were babies, they are 14 and 12 now. Dave is highly against it, but it does give me peace of mind as a single mom with a flaky ex-husband who would not have been onboard sharing college expenses when the time comes.

Having said that, I also have 529s for both boys, they EARN their own money by doing their fair share of the work around the house. We don't call them CHORES, they are responsibilities necessary for learning to become functional adult men and moving out of Mommy's house when they graduate from college.

Both boys have "Mad Money" accounts that their money goes into, and 20% always goes into savings for that elusive car when they need one. I will match their funds when the time comes and occasionally talk about what kind of car they want and what they need to have in the bank to make it happen. It is NEVER too soon to teach fiscal responsibility and seeing the account balances online really helps them set goals and focus on making it happen. Both boys bought their own laptops (nice ones!) this year and they definitely take better care of them knowing they invested their own earnings into the purchase.

Thank you Dave and Rachel for your wonderful insight and the great way you impart your financial wisdom."
- Margie P.

"This is a wonderful book explaining how to raise your children to understand how to handle money. My son is now an adult but I bought it for my niece, who has three children. I truly wish I had this information when my son was a child. I would have done things very differently. I can see where I missed opportunities to teach him about saving and spending. He is now in college and does not handle his money well. Now that he is an adult, he will have to face the consequences on his own. Fortunately, Dave Ramsey has other courses for adults so it is not too late for him. If you have young children and want them to be savvy about how to handle money this is a clear, concise book on how to teach them with many examples from Rachel's own upbringing."
- T. Rockwell

"I started putting the plan in place with my sons ages 4, 8, and 11 as soon as I finished the book. They were receptive and open to the Smart Money, Smart Kids plan. I have always felt children should just help around the house as part of the family duties. We don't offer an allowance, but make sure our kids needs are met. Their spending money came for money gifts at birthdays and holidays. However, a small stipend clearly motivated them to do a better job with household chores, putting a spring in their step while they worked. I could see the sense of accomplishment when they got to decide what to purchase with their spending money. The program gave us a chance to talk about giving to charities of their choice and saving for big purchases. This is the parenting advice we had been missing to help our sons develop more self-control, generosity and financial wisdom."
- Boreal Mom

"Thank you Dave and Rachel for writing a book that I can use to raise my 3-year-old as a money smart kid and ALSO recognizing that we do have a split household for my 13-year-old and giving me some tips to help with that as well. I appreciated that even though they are a traditional family, they recognize the importance of addressing all other family dynamics as well. Especially helpful was the age specific guidance for things like chores and commission. I know I will continue to refer to the book on a regular basis and I will lend it to my ex in hopes that he may see things like I do now."
- Lisa

"I loved this book! I wish I had read it years ago myself. I now have ten grandchildren to teach these important principals of money. It's a MUST READ for us all, not just our little ones. It is a summer assignment for my granddaughter who just finished her first year in college. She actually asked me about it as other students were talking about Dave Ramsey in her dorm. I love Dave's daughter Rachel authoring the book with her father so we have a young person's perspective. Definitely interesting and not dry! My granddaughter has started the book and told me she is into it! Thanks great news to me."
- Peggy L. Jennings

"Our nation is in a financial tailspin. From government to households, nobody knows how to really handle money. If we don't learn these time-proven principles and pass them to our children, we are in major trouble. There is no better at this than Dave Ramsey (and now his bright daughter Rachael Cruze). Get it, read it, live it, teach it."
- C. Blevins

About the Author
Dave Ramsey is America’s trusted voice on money and business. He’s authored seven best-selling books: Financial Peace, More Than Enough, The Total Money Makeover, EntreLeadership, The Complete Guide to Money, Smart Money Smart Kids and The Legacy Journey. “The Dave Ramsey Show” is heard by more than 13 million listeners each week on more than 585 radio stations and digitally through podcasts, online audio streaming and a 24-hour online streaming video channel. 

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