Saturday, April 14, 2018

Cryptocurrency & The Blockchain - This Book Includes- Ethereum, Bitcoin: Guide to Trading, Blockchain

This book includes 3 manuscripts: Ethereum, Bitcoin: Guide to Trading, and Blockchain Technology. When most people think about a digital currency, they will think about Bitcoin. But if you really want to find a currency that is growing, one that has the potential to be around for a long time and has everything that you need to help out a variety of industries, then Ethereum is the best digital currency for you to use. This guidebook will take some time to talk about Ethereum and all the things that you can do with on this platform, especially when it comes to using blockchain. Bitcoin is a household name that everyone wants to talk about now. Everyone is excited about how much this currency has grown in the past few years and many people watch the market as they are watching their daily news. While there is a lot of excitement that is around Bitcoin and how it is doing, many people do not understand what this currency is or how it works. This guidebook will take some time to look at Bitcoin and discuss everything that you need to know about the network, whether you are looking to purchase things, send money, receive money, or invest on the network. We’ve heard a great deal in the past few months about cryptocurrencies and how they are impacting the world. This book is not about that. It is a close look at the technology that these new currencies are based on. Through these pages, you will begin to understand how they work and why they are having such a major impact on our society. Blockchain Technology goes much further than the idea of transferring money, its ability to adapt to nearly every type of industry and be used in a myriad of ways is a whole new phenomenon that everyone should be trying to understand. As you read this book you will learn.

Series: Cryptocurrency (Book 5)
Paperback: 292 pages
Publisher: Independently published (March 20, 2018)
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.7 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds


"I appreciate how the author not only outlined the benefits of investing in the cryptocurrency market, but also spent significant time and space providing details on the things to be careful of and warnings when getting started. Overall a great book and worth every penny of the price!"
- Suzanne Nivens

"Wow...fantastic book. Great informative and best useful information. enjoy reading and easily understand with this all method and tips. Good advice for beginners."
- Cesar Austin

"A best book to learn about cryptocurrency which is a blockchain platform. The book is easy to understand and a well written guide I found that the book is well written and a step by step guide so it is easy to understand."
- Emiley

"The book is an immaculate elegantly composed and straightforward to take after this book you can without much of a stretch comprehend about Blockchain monetary framework. I have read a lot of different resources about cryptocurrency. If you are looking into this type of currency, then you'll find a lot of great information in this book."
- Leila Hughes

"The topics in the book are interesting and informative. They cover just about every aspect of Cryptocurrencies."
- Clyde Campbell

"This book was very helpful to me.If you are looking into this type of currency, then you'll find a lot of great information in this book.I highly recommended this book."
- Henry

"This is so great book and I so love on how it was written. Too simple however it gives us a great understanding. earned so many things.i was actually impressed by how much useful suggestions squeezed in such a short book.An worth purchase."
- Jecob

"This is an extraordinary book and additionally contains a loads of information.. This book gave me an unbelievable cognizance and headings how to start cryptographic cash and blockchain. I get various information about Bitcoin Ethereum..I truly appreciate this book.."
- Kim Ornelas

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